
Author Guidelines

Below are the terms and requirements that need to be considered by the researcher willing to publish in this journal:

  1. The research must not have been published in any other scientific journal and has not been completed for more than four years prior to publication.
  2. The title of the research should be brief and expressive.
  3. Authors names: the names of authors and their work place addresses should be clearly written along with the first authors e-mail address.
  4. An abstract should be clear and about 250-300 words, followed by a keyword (4-6) in Arabic if the article is in Arabic language followed by abstract and keywords in English language and virus visa.
  5. Introduction: includes a review of information relevant to the subject of research in the scientific sources, ending with the aim of the study and its rationale.
  6. Materials and Methods: Should be fully detailed if they are new. In case of being already published, they should be mentioned in brief with reference to the sources and the use of System International Units (S.I.U.s) for measuring weight and volume.
  7. Results and Discussion: should be shown in a concise, meaningful and sequential manner. The results are presented in the best form. After being referred in the results, tables and figures should be placed in their designated positions.
  8. The Arabic numerical system should be used in the researches submitted for publication. The discussion of the results represents a brief expression of the results and their interpretations.
  9. Writing the references in the list shall include the name (s) of the authors, the publication year, the title of the research, the name of the journal, volume number, issue number and the number of pages
    • e.g. Hamza, I. Sh.; Jarallah, A. L. ; Rashid, F. A. and Salman, S. A. (2018), Estimating of Serum Mercury Levels in Users of Dental Fillings. Al-Esraa Univ. College J., Vol. 1, No. 1: 281-294.
  10. The abstract in English must be obvious and expressive the research and the results in a precise manner and not necessarily precisely be a literal translation of the Arabic abstract and followed by 4-6 keywords.


  1. References in the text of the manuscript are indicated as follows:
    • The title or last name of the author and the year of the work is done by one scholar. if there are two authors they should be mentioned along with the year. In case of being three and more, the first one is mentioned then et al., and the year.
    • Reference should be listed according to (APA) and as the examples mentioned:
      • Scientific research in a Journal.
      • Authors name, year, research title, journal name, volume, issue number and page, numbers.

      • Books.
      • Authors name, year, title of the book, edition, publishing house and number of pages.

      • Theses and dissertations.
      • Authors name, year, title of thesis, address of the college and university, and number of pages.

      • Scientific research in the proceedings of a scientific conference or symposium.
      • Authors name, year, the paper title, the name of the conference or the scientific symposium, venue, the starting and ending pages of the paper.