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Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem. With all the medicall advances of the century, vitamin D deficiency is still prevailing. Over a billion people worldwide are Vitamin D deficient or insufficient. In this study data collected from 58 outpatients Clinic from Bagdad citw/Iraq, suffering from Vitamin D deficiency at different rate. They were either suffer from Vitamin D deficiency (10-19) ng/ml, insufficient (20-29) ng/ml or some sutfer with sever deficiency< 10ng/ml. This study covered random samples of different gender (male and female) and from different life style, which include different symptoms (bone and back pain, tiredness, hair loss and mood improving). Results showed that women were more accessible than men for Vitamin D deficiency due to woman loss more Vitamin Dthrough menopause, pregnancy and lactation period and results showed that patients with age (40 to 59) year old and (60 to 69) year old were suffering from bone and back bone pain, were 25% of the sample study were suffering from hair loss. Most people covered in this study were felling tiredness and headache. Inthisstudy samplescollected from patients with Vitamin D deficiencies were treated by giving dosages of supplement medicine (like Cholecalciferoll and Colecaliciferol) to optimize level of 25-OH Vitamin D3. To increase Vitamin D rate in these patients. Results also showed that the supplement medicine help and improve reducing hair loss, bone and back pain within two months of taken it, were 25% of the sample study suffering from felling tiredness and headache which they start to recovered their health gradually after taken medication within first and second month of treatment. In relation to depression, it was concluded that depression was associated with low Vitamin D level in patients' especially old peoples and from the results, medical supplement found to be improves mood and reduce depression in a sample of people study especially in women.
Vitamin D deficiency, Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression, Osteoporosis, Colon cancer, Pain and Back pain.
Recommended Citation
Al Joudi, Abass T. and Khalaf, Mohammed Raad
"Vitamin D Deficiency, its Relation to Bone, Back Pain, Tiredness and Mood Improving in Adult Sample Collected from Baghdad City,"
Al-Esraa University College Journal for Medical Sciences: Vol. 3:
3, Article 6.