Volume 5, Issue 8 (2024)
Original Studies
Distribution of Epidemiological Characteristics among Drug Addiction Patients Admitted to Alqana Center for Social Rehabilitation
Ali Abdul Alkhudhur Murad, Atta Ah. Mousa AL-Sarray, and Zeena Jamal Alkhazraji
Relationship of Serum Copeptin Level with Traditional Risk Factors for Acute Coronary Syndrome in Early Diagnosis of this Syndrome in Iraqi Patients
Ali Abdul Rasool Hussein, Abdulkareem H. Issa, and Abbas Naji Muslem Al Shareeifi
Immunological Markers and Clinical Features with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Iraqi Women Patients
Ali Yahya. Zeki, Ali Hussein. Al-Hafid, and Haider Hafudh Humaish
Cathepsin D and Its Relation with Lipid Profile in Coronary Atherosclerosis Patients
Israa Saad Salim, Walaa Ismael Jassim, and Ahmed Saadi Hassan
Distribution of Epidemiological Characteristics of Low Back Pain Patients Attending to Baghdad Teaching Hospital
Khadija Kamil Salman, Ali Hussein. Al-Hafid, and Shatha Ahmed Mohammed Ali
Molecular Study of the Agr Gene in Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) and Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) in the S. aureus
Mays Ali Salim, Estabraq Ali Maklef, and Montaha Abdul-Karim AL-Saffar
Secretor Status and Anxiety Are Risk Factors for Getting Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ola Amer Jasim and Khalid Mahdi Salih
Complement Component C3 and C4 Levels in Juvenile and Adult SLE Iraqi Patients
Sahar S. Aldhahir, Izzat A. M. Al-Rayahi, and Salwa S. Muhsin
Comparison between CRP Level and Some Biochemical Parameters in Hashimoto and Hypothyroidism Iraqi Patients
Shahad Muthanna Abdulsattar, Ahmed Salem Mohammed, and Susan Ahmed Zwyea
Immunological and Molecular Investigation of Non-Helicobacter pylori Gastritis within Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Zahraa Maad Abdul-Sahib, Najah Ali Mohammad, and Abdul Razzaq Nema